Sometimes, you have to take on a new challenge!
At least, that’s what I’m sitting here telling myself as the clock ticks away until 2:30 in the morning. The effort feels worth it as most of the website is now built up and designed but now the daunting part begins – actually writing. What was I thinking?!? I’m not a writer!!
I’m just a guy marching towards 40 who has remembered how much he loved anime when he was younger and how much I loved keeping up with the otaku culture. I stopped for a few years when I enlisted in the US Air Force. I guess I was too good for it or something. Maybe I told myself it was part of being mature. I am getting older after all; although I don’t have any grey hairs yet; but it just wasn’t something people of my age did. Well, that’s bullshit and we all know it. So what brought this change might you ask? Well, I’ll tell you because that’s why you’re here after all. Maybe you’re like me and you’re a bit adrift and nostalgic in your age.
The truth is I have younger siblings who have not tried to mature as quickly and they still love anime, manga, and gaming. In fact, so much that they’ve been dragging me to anime conventions like Otakon, Katsucon, and Nekocon in DC and Virginia. These have been eye opening to say the least and they’ve really rekindled my spark to watch and keep up with anime and start collecting stuff again. Youth! It feels great but I must say my back still hurts.
So, I went from cautiously going to anime conventions to getting Crunchyroll and Hidive and watching just about everything. Some of you won’t like this but in my older age I prefer English dubs over English subs; and frankly the dub game now is a lot better than what it was when I was younger. I also started collecting anime fanart, autographs from voice actors, anime figures, manga, and anime blu-rays (as I prefer the stability of owned media).
And here I am. Now a blog owner and an aspiring small businessman online hoping to earn a readership of his own. These days I watch just about everything (well, as long as it’s dubbed) and I go back and watch things all the time. In fact, my favorite anime still remains my first anime: Yu Yu Hakusho. The 1990’s was the time that got me into anime and that’s why this blog is called Millennial Weeb. It’s a blog for all of us who are marching towards old age and trying to retain a bit of ourselves along the way. I’m catering to those always young at heart.
This is the part of the article where I should launch my pitch to you. Why should you read this blog. Why should you follow me? Why should you consider me the greatest millennial weeb of them all? I might be getting ahead of myself. Forget that last one, please. Why should you bother with me and my silly little website at all? It’s one fish in the anime web sea, right?
It’s because I’m you. I’m in my thirties. I love anime. I want to talk about the new and the old. I want to share the nostalgia while keeping you up with everything coming out. I want to be your resource for anime as you get older and you know what when we’re all 80 and in wheelchairs…I hope you’re the people I’m drinking with at a convention while playing classic Smash Bros. It’s because otaku’s never grow old and we’re going to live forever…or at least while it’s all still worth living. Won’t you join me for the ride? It should be a lot of fun, I think.
At the end of the day the anime generation, us Millennials, we lead the way when it came to anime and we’ll shut the door when it’s all said and done too. So, why the hell not?