Studio Bridge has announced and released visuals on a game to anime adaption set to release during the upcoming Winter 2025 anime season. Airing on January 10th, Farmagia follows the adventures of Ten, a young boy living on the continent of Avrion, one of five continents of the underworld of Felicidad. Known as a a ‘Farmagia,’ a being who nurtures monsters from seeds, harvests them, and uses them in battle, Ten sets out along with his friends to rise up against and fight the rulers of the world known as the Oración Seis.

Farmagia’s source material, a game that was recently released on platforms such as Nintendo Switch, Playstation 5, and Steam, on November 1st 2024, has quickly gained a fanbase amongst gamers. With most gaming platforms rating the game as average the quirky action based RPG and farm sim and yet to impress but with the coming anime has a of room to grow and improve into the big shows it’s creators clearly intend for it to fill.

Although there is no word on an English dub or which streaming service will carry the show there’s a fair certainty that the show will hit Western screens as the show already has a English website and the game itself has been released in English speaking regions.

The Intro reportedly will be “Life is Beautiful” by ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATIO and the Outro will be “miss-dystopia” by sokoninaru. The Japanese casting has also been released:

Ten: Kohei Amasaki
Lookie-Loo: Atsumi Tanezaki
Leii: Reiou Tsuchida
Arche: Ayane Sakura
Chica: Inori Minase
Emero: Hiro Shimono
Anzar: Takuya Sato
Dentro: Shigeru Chiba
Nares: Mikako Komatsu
Glaza: Ryusei Nakao
Manas: Koki Uchiyama
Corpus: Tetsu Inada
L’Oreille: Sayaka Oohara
Lisan: Yoko Hikasa
Diluculum: Kenjiro Tsuda
Ada: Hiromichi Tezuka
Beeza: Yuki Ishikari
Studio Bridge included this visual on YouTube to introduce the plot and the characters: